
Current Classes

Enrol Venue Day Time Age Price/Class
Click here for a free trial Shiptonthorpe Tuesday 20:15-21:00 Age 18+ (Intermediate/Advanced) £5.50
Click here for a free trial Shiptonthorpe Wednesday 20:00-20:45 Age 18+ (Beginner) £5.50

Class Description

Apart from being an essential skill for the professional dancer, tap dance is one of the most enjoyable and rhythmic forms of recreational dance. This lively activity makes the performer not just a dancer, but also a percussive musician.

Tap is one of the most iconic dance forms, from the back streets of New Orleans to the stars of the silver screen. If you often find yourself tapping your fingers on the table or tapping your feet along to a beat, then tap is the dance form for you. Initially you will need patience, but after just twelve lessons you will find yourself tapping away.

Tap is rhythm - rhythm is tap. Its origins are many and varied. Americans claim its origin dates from the African jazz age. The Irish stake their claim to the jigs and step dancing. The English relate back to northern clog dancers, but whichever one chooses to believe, Tap is as popular today as it was in the heyday of the great Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly musicals. Evergreen shows, 42nd Street and Crazy For You, and the more recent Stomp and Tap Dogs highlight the great diversities of style and music in tapping. A gentle, rhythmical and enjoyable way to keep fit!

What is the key to tap dancing?

Tap dancing uses the floor as well as the dancer's shoes as a percussive instrument. After starting with the simple steps, you progress to learn the art of syncopation, double-time, tacit and stop-time, creating and developing rhythm tap.


Uniform is not required for this class. Students can express themselves in their own clothes.

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